Friday, 7 November 2014

Book Blogger Hop 7 - 13th November

Book Blogger Hop

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer

If you haven't participated before, here is what to do: 

On your blog, post the answer to the weekly question.  once you've done that, link up your post over on Coffee Addicted Writer and then check out everyone else's answers.

This week's question: Should book bloggers be doing more to support bookshops, rather than just give links to Amazon or Barnes & Noble as a place to buy the printed version of the books they read?

My answer:  For me, I tend to put links to Book Depository, because that is where I buy a lot of my books from.  I think it's up to personal preference as to where you buy your books, I may link to BD, but that doesn't mean you have to buy from them.  My local book shop doesn't have a great selection of romance novels, they'll certainly order them in for you, but the last time I tried to do that I was told it wouldn't be available for 6 months.  For me convenience and cost won out and I ordered it from BD, half the price and I got it within two weeks.  I guess in terms of independent bookshops, any purchases for them would be fantastic and steering other readers in their direction would be helpful.  But again, as a reader, you could go to your local book shop with a list of titles to buy.

What do you guys think?

Until next time, happy reading.



  1. It really depends on the reader right? Where we are comfortable buying and where it would could less for that matter. Haha! :)

    Thanks for dropping by my blog babe ♥

    1. True, and the bonus of buying cheaper - more books!

      Thanks for hopping by :)

  2. I really think that it is up to bloggers to decide on where to link to (if at all) and for people to decide where to buy from - you are right in the price and speed will be key factors regardless of what you put in your post. Emma @ Once Upon a Littlefield

  3. There actually is no local bookstore where I live so no one to support, but I do link back to Amazon.

    Personal preference and what is available is the key.

    Nice to see you on the blog hop. I haven't visited your blog for a while. Looks great.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. Sometimes I think it's easier to like to one of the big online stores, all the info is right there. I'd be sad if i didn't have a local book store, it's great to go in a browse.

      Thanks for hopping by, I haven't participated for a while, it's nice to get back into it a visit a few blogs :)

  4. I don't have a local bookstore to support so it definitely makes it challenging. I love that you do support the one you have. Well except in romance novels. 6 months? What are they doing? Copying the book down and binding it themselves? Would you believe I've never looked at book depository? Weird I know!

    1. I would be sad if I didn't have a local bookstore, as I love to browse. Apparently, it was because they had different release dates for Australia, but it's ridiculous considering they can order it online.

  5. I would love it if book bloggers each supported a local indie bookstore in some way. Most book bloggers don't even use the Amazon or BN links on other sites. As big as LA is there are fewer and fewer books shops here. So sad!

    1. One thing I love about independent books stores is their knowledge about books, not just the popular titles, which the bigger books stores have to promote. It's great if you build up that relationship where they can recommend you something that you actually enjoy.

  6. I agree. My local book store and even the nearest department store don't stock all the books that I'm after so either way they would have to be ordered in, that's what makes Amazon, B&N and The Book Depository so appealing to a lot of readers.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a nice weekend.
    Sharon @ Sharon's Book Nook!

    1. I'm very lucky as I have a Kmart, Taget and Big W that I can go to as well, although they only stock newer releases. Thanks for stopping by, I had a great weekend, hopefully yours was as well:)

  7. Great answer, think it depends on people's preference mostly :)

    Benish | Feminist Reflections
    A Thousand Pieces of You Hardcover Giveaway


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