Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Breaking Nova by Jessica Sorensen

Breaking Nova (Nova, #1)Breaking Nova by Jessica Sorensen

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was equal parts awesome and frustrating!  And angsty. Hot damn it was angsty!

Lets start with Nova, I felt for her, she's had some shitty things happen in her life and for her the only way to cope is to count.  She counts her steps, the amount of time before she gets out of bed, things she sees.  This routine is what keeps her sane and able to exist - because lets be honest, she isn't 'living' and neither is Quinton.

Who is Quinton? - he's damaged goods, just as much as Nova.

Quinton, hmmm I wanna do bad things to him - I also want to smack him upside the head Gibbs style.  He also has gone through some bad stuff and only just come out alive.  For him life isn't worth living.  He uses drugs to cope with his life.  He's pretty much baked 24/7 and it's not till Nova that he seems to wake up and realise he's missing out.  And although he feels guilty about it, he's drawn to her.

So over the Summer Quinton and Nova get to know each other, opening up little by little.  And this is where I got annoyed, Nova starts using drugs and it just really pissed me off.  I got really frustrated that she felt that was the best option to deal with her situation.  I kept yelling in my head "drugs are bad mmmkay!"

As much as it did frustrate me, I thought it was well written and Sorensen has got me wanting more, there are I'm guessing at least two more in this series, so this ends with more of a HFN rather than a HEA.  I'm okay with this as I only have to wait until February 4th to find out what happens!

The only other thing I can say is...THE FEELS!!!  It made me feel them all.  You know when your heart hurts because of something that's happened??? I had that reading this.  I'm avoiding spoilers so this is vague, but there are quite a few of these moments, like I said - full of angst!

View all my reviews

*** I received ab ePUB of this book in exchange for an honest review.


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