Saturday, 11 January 2014

Bout of books Day 5 Wrapup

Bout of Books

The end is almost here!  I don't want it to end, I'm having too much fun :)

So today was a quite day for reading again, I didn't get a lot read.  But as the no work weekend is coming up that should improve.

Finished today: 0.
Continued with How to dance with a duke: 36 pages.
Continued listening to The Children's Book: 19 pages (1 disc).

Number of Pages Read Today: 55 pages. (including all audio).
Cumulative Total: 754 pages. (not including all audio).
Number of Books Read so far: 4.
Honorable mention also goes to Damon by Gary Crew and Aaron Hill.  I placed a hold on this for a patron, somehow it'd slipped my notice, (it was published in 2011).  I don't remember seeing it at all; but I really enjoyed it.  Hill's illustrations were beautiful and complemented Crew's words.  This is a junior picture, so there aren't a lot of words; smaller kids may like this, but I don't think they'd 'get it'.  It takes the Tyger from William Blake's poem and has him following a bored Damon home from the art gallery.

I didn't participate in either of the challenges today, I would've loved to but I didn't have time , hopefully I'll be able to participate tomorrow.  How is everyone else going with their reading goals?  I'm confidant that I'll complete the books I chose, but even if I don't I'm happy with what I've managed to read.

See you tomorrow for another update :)


  1. 4 books! Quite an achievement. Your page count is also looking really nice (I don't think mine's quite as high.) I've completed my goal of three books, so everything else from there is just a bonus.

    You are right, readathon is a lot of fun, but in the end of the 7th day I think I will be happy to get back to a more relaxed schedule :D

  2. I wouldn't normally read so many books in a week, having a couple of shorter books helps! Everything else pretty much gets ignored for the week. Perhaps you're right, while it is lots of fun, it will be nice once to relax once Sunday night arrives :)


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