I've seen some really cute kids books in the last couple of weeks, so I thought I'd share! Enjoy :) Pictures & links are a bit sucky, but I was on the truck so deal :P
First up is one of my absolute fave authors Mick Inkpen, he is responsible for Kipper, Wibbly Pig & Bear to name a few. Lullabyhullaballoo! is a very cute story about a little princess trying to sleep, but it's too noisy. There is also a CD read by Helen Lederer. I've always loved his illustrations & the stories are fantastic to read aloud.
Even with the prolificness (I too can make words up), of swine flu I've decided to put Ella Of Course! by Sarah Weeks, Ill. by Doug Cushman on the list. Ella is a little pig with a big problem! Ella may be a problem solver, but when she receives a present, she becomes a problem maker! Gasp horror! But she can't help it, after all - her umbrella makes such a lovely 'whoosh, click' sound. Pretty, bright illustrations, it's nice & easy to read.
Who's Yawning By David Bedford & Leonie Worthington is part of a series that Rustyn loves & so do I. It's simple, with only a few words on each page - "Who's yawning?" "Miiaaaaoooow." "Cat's yawning" - or sommat to that effect :) The illustrations are beautiful & it's another book you can get the kids involved in, it's got great animal sounds which they love, it was also a great way to teach Rustyn what each animal was.
The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog! by Mo Willems isn't a new book, but I just love the pigeon series, (Don't Let Pigeon Drive the Bus, Time For Bed Pigeon). The story is essentially about sharing, Willems is great with how he words things and I love how the pigeon gets frustrated & splodes, he sarcastic, just he's a great character. The series is for kids, but adults love them too (and by adults I mean me!)
Good Luck Bear is the 3rd book from Greg Foley. I like how the illustrations are very simple, almost washed out. There isn't a lot of colour, but I think this adds to the book overall. It's a sweet tale about luck not always being where you think it will.
Rhyming Dust Bunnies by Jan Thomas is great. There are 3 very silly looking dust bunnies (ed, ned & ted) who love to rhyme and then there's bob, who doesn't rhyme at all.
Me and My Dad! by Alison Ritchie, ill. by Alison Edgson. Beautiful smiley pictures, cute words, it's just the book to read with your dad! I'm a bit of a sucker for cute bears in a book I must say.
Forever Young by Bob Dylan (yes, that Bob), ill. by Raul Rogers. I have to admit, I'm not a huge fan of the illustrations, I like the colours, but the peeps have weird faces, but I do like the illustrator's notes. Mostly, I love the words, the song was written in the 70's (from the album Planet Waves), about one of Dylan's sons.
Okay, that's about all the cutesy kid shit I've got time for, back to being my normal, bitchy, foul mouthed cranky self!
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