Thursday, 17 March 2011

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh! Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Well it's that time of year again, St Patrick's Day.  Hope what ever you're doing to celebrate it is lots of fun and doesn't get you into too much trouble!  I've got a meeting after work then more work, so I won't be doing much - I did buy a book today (what I can't help it, besides it's all about Irish...stuff).  Plus there's the whole "I was going to patricipate in Irish Short Story week", but since it's ending today, I don't think I'll be completing that one.  So instead I bought...Come Monday by Mari Carr.

This is the first in the Wild Irish series.  I've been umming and ahhing over getting this series for ages, I've got no doubt I'll love it, but I was trying to be good dammit.  I blame Tarn, she bought the cake in today and MADE me eat some.  It was very delicious.

You'll have to excuse the poor photo, I should've made the background a bit nicer, but I was worried that another staff member would eat it before I could get a photo.  It was presented way better than my photo gives credit, you couldn't tell until you cut it that it was green inside - half the fun.

Along with reading Come Monday, I think there may be a Guinness and a viewing of Boondock Saints on the cards tonight.  Which really is all a girl could ask for...okay I could ask for more - like the hot boys from the movie to be delivered to my door - but since Ima lady I will do no such thing...O.o



  1. I heard Mari Irish series is great. The cake looks good too.

  2. I haven't finished it yet, but I'm loving it so far. I just know I'll end up getting the others in the series.


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