Okay this will be a quick flying trip on the blog today, I'm currently enjoying myself at the Swiss Grand Resort on Bondi Beach and am gearing up for the cocktails tonight to kick ARRC2011 off. I'm positively excited!
18 & Over Book Blogger Tag Along Friday is a weekly event hosted by Laurie at Bitten by Paranormal Romance.
Question of the week: Where is you favorite place to buy or swap books?
I have a few different places I like to visit, in person it's Collins bookshop in my home town, Rendezvous the Romance Bookstore in Melbourne, online it would be Amazon.com for Kindle and Book Depository for print books. I'm always on the hunt for a bargain! Because of the type of books I read - romance/adult erotica and YA mostly, I find it hard to take advantage of the second hand places close to me. But really, it's not like I'm lacking in books to read!
The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly event hosted by Crazy-for-Books.
"If you could physically put yourself into a book or series…which one would it be and why?"
I'd love to be a character in Victoria Dahl's Tumble Creek series'. Her books are so funny, she writes awesome characters, where the women are strong and they're not backward in coming forward. Sadly my Tumble Creek hero, Chase, is taken. That boy is so hot! He can burn the words right off the page. I love her humor and I love where the books are set, even though it's possible to get snowed in I just get the feeling it would be a cozy place to live. Surely those girls need a lovely library lady to round things out :)
I'll have to add linkys later lovlies, but enjoy your weekend where ever you may be. I'm planning to have a VERY good time.