Well I've very neglectful of the blog since I've been back, so I though I would at least try and add the books that I've been reading throughout the year. So here goes. Ranther than do a review of each one I'll keep it simple and do a couple of lies for each.
19. The Divide by Nicholas Evans - Fantastic, this is Evans' latest. His books always make me want to pick up and move to Montana, his writing is just so descriptive. This is a family/mystery, with just a splash of eco terrorism. Loved it!
20. The Watchmen by Robert Crais - First in the Joe Pike series, this also has a cameo from Elvis Cole, who Joe works with in his books (around 10 in the EC series). I did start at the wrong end, but it doesn't have a huge impact of the story. I found Crais' writing very funny and as this was a playaway, the guy who read it, really added to the story. It could just be me and my very black humour - but this was hilarious.
21. Rural Bliss by Lou Wakefield - Not a favourite of mine, a few of the characters grated a little. I did contemplate not finishing, but persevered as there were elements that I did enjoy. Typical chick lit really.
22. Nauti Intentions by Lora Leigh - Yay! The next Nauti installment. I enjoy Leigh's series a lot, she has action - of both kinds :), humour and alpha males, which are ever so genrously displayed on the cover! I love the characters from this series, larger than life and not willing to stand by and let someone get hurt, even if it means they're going to pay for it.
23. Eagle in the Snow by Wallace Bream - This was another playaway and I'll admit, if I'd had to read this in print, I don't think I would've picked it up. Glad i did though, this is what the movie Gladiator is based on, which I didn't mind. I thought Bream's writing was strong and I did enjoy the story more, it seemed imo, to be slightly more historically correct.
24. The Travel Writer by Simone Lazoo (Book Club) - I didn't particulary like the title for this months book club. The female characters all seem rather vapid, don't really stand up for them selves and the male characters are portrayed as 'bad/unsavory'. Rather disappointing.
25. The Life and Times of Michael K by J. M. Coetzee - This is the first I've read of this author, I was being all 'Coetzee's one of those brilliant authors I really should read'. I agree - he is brilliant, but the going was tough, his style is very dry. And while I did enjoy the book, I didn't enjoy reading it...if that makes sense.
26. Frantic by Katherine Howell - This was quite good, set in Melbourne (or maybe Sydney), the main character is a paramedic, she comes off shift to find her husband shot in the head (he survives), and their son is taken by someone, who may or may not be involved in shady dealings with the husband - who's investigating a bank robbery, which is supposed to be pulled off by a group of police officers. That explanation maked it sound terribly difficult to understand, it's not, it a rather enjoyable light thriller/mystery.
Well that was May, stay tuned for the next exciting adventures in the land of books.
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