My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I've found a second book by Maya Banks that I don't particularly like, not that it's a good thing. She's one of my fave authors, so 'Exiled' was disappointing for me to read. Personally, I didn't feel that connection with Talia, I thought she was being used / treated like a hooar - a very nicely treated hooar, but a hooar all the same. I don't care how much the Prince loves her my status update from pg 8 says it all: "Medical Exam?! O.o Ruh Roh." I think that may've been where Banks lost me. If you love someone - you don't have a doctor stick their fingers in your intendeds junk.
What I did love was 'Sway' and if I'm being honest that's where the 3 stars have come from. I loved Daisy & Levi together, they meshed well, I liked the little bit of kink in the bedroom, yes it's tame compared to lots of other stories out there, but I liked it anyway. I was eye rolling around page 240: "I know this is a BDSM story, but she said "no thanks" to a man who offered to do the dishes - something wrong with that!!"
And again at page 262: "Now Daisy is mixing his wasabi n soy sauce AND pouring his beer. If that was me he'd be lucky if I passed him a sauce bowl, let alone poured his beer!! Did I mention I'd make a terrible Sub. :)"
But neither of those points are the fault of Dane, it's just my snark coming out. I've since read the second in this story (loved that too) and I'm looking forward to #3. I've not read a lot of Dane before, so I'm going to try a few on her back list as well.
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
I like realism in my books, it makes them believable, no matter what everyone says about why ladies read romance novels. Reality vs Fantasy can work both ways - but that's for another conversation.
I did enjoy this, did I love it - not necessarily. I got frustrated by Coleen. She kinda reminds me of overly attached girlfriend, plus she's mean to Brad, who I really liked, even though sometimes he was an idiot - (I could've done without the farting/burping etc) - TMI! The realism I did like was the smexytimes. It was real sex, not the flick of the wrist, deep voiced "come for me" so she does, culminating in a whimpering lovesplosion! * Boys - generally if she's coming that quick for you - its because she was already halfway there when you got home :)*
Probably the thing that bugged me the most was the Harvard Law degree storyline - all that debt & working her ass off & nothing came of it. For all the realism in it, that didn't ring true; I don't care if you discover that law isn't the thing you want, surely you'd stick it out for a while, at least to pay the bills.
All up, I'd be interested to see where this series went; and I definitely give this author another read.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I had so much fun with this book, I loved Lady Calpurnia and her Rake, Gabriel. This is a new author for me and I adored her writing. There were laugh out funny parts, great smexytimes and some that were rip your heart out, smash it up and hand it back to you moments. And lets not forget - 9 things that ladies should never do - even if they are confirmed spinsters! I've got book 2 & 3 in this series waiting for me at home and I am thoroughly looking forward to getting stuck into them.
I don't often read regency, I have been more lately, the last ARRC has encouraged me to try more, so in all honesty I don't know how accurate it is in a 'regency' sense, but really when I'm enjoying a book this much, I just don't care :)
Not only did I enjoy the two main characters, I like the supporting cast, I'm hoping St John & Benedict, Gabriel/Callie's brothers, both get their own books. And even moreso I would absolutely LOVE IT if Anne, Callie's maid/helper lady got her own book. Callie's mother, although you didn't see her much, reminded me of Mrs. Bennett, with her almost volcanic excitement about upcoming marriages.
All in all this was a fantastic romp through the regency era, and a place that I'd love to return to.
View all my reviews
Have a great weekend guys.
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