Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Happy New Year!!

Wow 2012 already, it felt like 2011 has just flown by.  I hope everyone had a lovely and relaxing Christmas and New Year break.  It's my first day back at work today, (I'm not counting that I had to work Christmas and New Years eve's).  I gotta say, I'm not really feeling it yet.  Maybe it's 'cause I wasn't really in the holiday spirit this year, I was over it before I started. 

But I am glad it's January, it means that I only have 10 days until I move into my new house.  That I'm excited about.  I can't wait until I have a place all my own - even if I don't own the house.  It will still be mine, with my thing surrounding me.  To celebrate, I've bought myself some new housey things, new sheets, towels, and I'm planning my gardening planting - a little veggie patch and some colourful flowers to brighten things up.  But I'm trying to not get too far ahead of myself as I already have a storage shed full of stuff.

I'm not sure what the new year will bring, changes yes, big and small.  I'm hoping to get back into studying and not waste my time anymore,  I'd love to get my degree finished this year, but I'm thinking, it'll be next year at the earliest.  I have a big box of new DVD's to watch and an even bigger Mt. TBR that I need to start reading. I'm going to start planning the next big holiday - I'm looking at starting with a round the world ticket, so I can visit the Brits again, but lookout Americas - I plan to storm your shores at my earliest possible convenience!  Then there's my butt - I'm hoping to decrease the size of it in 2012.  Not 100% sure what my plan of attack is just yet, but I know there is going to be one.  I hesitate to call them 'resolutions', as I kinda feel I'm setting myself up to fail, I prefer 'lifestyle changes', that way it's about changing something permenently, rather than for the first couple of months.

What about you guys??  Any big plans for 2012? Small ones?  No changes at all?  Either way, I hope that 2012 brings you everything and more of what you need and want.


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