So it's an hour until the readathon fun begins and over on Dewey's blog they've posted this get to know you meme, so here it goes!
Opening Meme:
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
Australia. Land of TimTams, Milo and Vegemite.
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
Half Bad and Gone Girl. Both of which I've started.
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
Pineapple M&Ms. So tasty :)
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
I work in a library & have a small addiction to books. Okay, who am I's the opposite of small, but I'm ok with that. I've got my snuggle buddy Maggie, who's too cute for her own good, ( which comes in handy for when she eats my books :/).
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?
I'm going to try concentrate on reading more tweeting less, last time I didn't get much read - I was too busy chatting! That being said, part of the fun of a readathon is finding people who love reading as much as you do! This is only my second Dewey's readathon, so mostly I just want to have fun. Feel free to share tips or ideas, I can always use more.
So there you have it! I'm settling in, hopefully I can make it all the way through :) I'll be tweeting from @cataluna6 come and say hi!
And for the Readathon Wrap Up!!
I was happy with what I managed to read over the weekend:
Pawn by Aimee Carter: 123 pages
The Collector by John Fowles: 111 pages
Let it Snow: The Patron Saint of Pigs by Lauren Myracle: 138 pages
Ape House by Sara Gruen: 106
The Last Werewolf by Glen Duncan: 10 chapters
So it was a grand total of 545 pages (432 technically, as Pawn was finished as part of Octobathon, as I managed to again forget that this actually started on Saturday night in Australia).
The first three have been on my currently reading list for some time, in particular Let it Snow, which I started in a previous readathon at the beginning of the year. It's was just so satisfying to finally finish them! I also started two new books, Ape House is for my book club and The Last Werewolf I'd been meaning to read for the longest time and I left my iPod at work so I couldn't finish the audio I'd already started, hence my borrowing an audio from oneclick.
Also, here is my wrap up video if you're interested:
Also, here is my wrap up video if you're interested:
How did you go if you joined in - let me know!
Until next time, happy reading :)