Friday, 27 July 2012

Book Blogger Hop

It's been a while since I've participated in the blog hop, life and all that, but I'll jump straight back in!! 

Book Blogger Hop

Q: What’s the ONE super-hyped book you’ll NEVER read?
A: Any of the Harry Potter books.  Or movies.  Or associated materials.    

I think my dislike stems from everyone else raving about the series.  My mates tease me about Harry and now it's a matter of principle - I'll never read a HP book!  *cue Scarlet O'Hara*  But there isn't much I won't read, I'll give anything a go really.  Plus it helps in my line of work, to be able to recommend anything to patrons.

I've just finished this post and the linky is now closed, (I am at the wrong end of the week after all, but no matter, here it is anyway and I'll get to the next one on time).  

Have a great weekend :)


Friday, 20 July 2012

TGIF!! Again!

It's that wonderful time again - Friday :)  There is the little matter of me having to work for a couple of hours tomorrow morning, but apart from that, my day is free.  As well as some frolicking with my girl Maggie, I'll be relaxing.

I'm planning on catching up with some reading for uni, I've got a stack of magazines, the latest KGI novel, Echoes at Dawn by Maya Banks to start.  I am loving the series so far and am so excited for the next in the series, Shades of Gray - which isn't out until next year.  Luckily I'll have a novella to keep me entertained in between.  Because of course I shall be buying NO other books until then!  I will have to bargain with myself so that I get my uni texts out of the way first!

Click here for print version and here for kindle :)

I also have the rest of Haven to watch.  Which I've really been enjoying, I'm only onto the first season, so hopefully it keeps going for a while.  I keep finding series that I love, and then they only last for one or two seasons O.o

I've also got a new recipe I'm going to try, (Golden Syrup Pecan Self Saucing Pudding) - thanks to last weeks Friday Feasts over at Cathryn Hein's blogLexxie Couper was the guest blogger and I - lil' old me managed to win a title from Lexxie's back catalogue, which is a big huzzah for me.  I'm leaning towards some Savage Retribution...what do you guys think?

What's everyone else up to?  Have you got your #weekendreads sorted or are you winging it?  Any new authors you're going to try or can recommend?  I'm going to try get through some more of my free kindle books, I keep getting the freebies, then reading other things and I'm really falling behind in my reading this year.  So slack!  But until I can become a trophy wife and marry for money, I have to keep working for The Man.  *snort* just the thought of it makes me laugh.

Have a fantastic weekend.


Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Tightarse Tuesday!

In the great tradition of things being cheaper on a Tuesday, this post is all about free Kindle goodies.  These are some of  the really short Ellora's Cave novellas in the 'Naughty Nooners' series they have going.  Some are very short, others have a little bit more to them.

Her VerySpecial Robot by Ann Jacobs

I enjoyed this story, to a point, I found it amusing the guy would dress up as a robot just to get the girl of his dreams, but him being completely hairless and heavily pierced (for a role in a movie – he’s an actor), did kinda freak me out.  I liked the back story to this.  Girl loves boy, boy is stunt man, boys bestie is also stunt man. Boy performs stunt with epic failure.  Boys bestie then quits the stuntman business for acting (hence the no hair and piercing), all the while offering shoulder to cry on.  Bestie realises he loves her and comes up with plan that involves fake robot sex!?  Then they live happily ever after.  So yeah I enjoyed the writing, but it was a bit weird at the same time.

This was quite funny, with the main character going to an adult toy party, winning the door prize (you can imagine what it was) and then getting ambushed by her friend’s brother.  That’ll learn her :)

Danu, TheReturn by Sally Painter

This had a paranormal storyline, Danu being some sort of warrior lady and Ragna her Celtic warrior lover.  They vanquished some sort of evil and have been living happily ever after just the two of them.  What Danu didn’t tell Ragna, was that it’s only for 500 years, after that she needs to return to the present to train the next lot of ladies.  So they get separated, with Ragna vowing to find his way back to her.  I don’t read a lot of fantasy, but I didn’t mind this, although I don’t know how this would go as a full length story (either well as there would be room for more character development or bad, because they could have more sex).  There was also talk of scraping, which just sounded painful to me.
Desire inthe Dark by Naima Simone

This has been one of my favorites so far, Alise has loved Mac, her BFF from afar for the past year.  That all changes when Alise decides to tell Mac how she really feels.  Cue blackout – awkward feelings are always easier to deal with in the dark!  I really enjoyed Simone’s writing, I’ve not read anything by her before this, I was annoyed that this wasn’t longer, I’d love to know what happened when the lights came back on.

I originally downloaded these in 2009/2010 and they're all still available, some of them are terrible, but there have been quite a few that are great quick reads and they've made me seek out the author and try some of their other titles.  Enjoy, there's always free sexy books to find on the kindle store.

Sometimes it pays to be cheap ;)


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