Monday, 17 December 2007

The end is nigh

Okaaaaaaaaaaaaay, not sure what happened to the first one of these post, but it's disappeared and I can't b bothered writing it all again, so instead you're left with this much less exciting post. Ah well, when life hands you lemons, you make lemon meringue pie!


Wednesday, 5 December 2007

A plague on both your houses

I thought I'd add a wee book review to spice up my learning blog, here goes!

At The Sign Of The Sugared Plum by Mary Hooper

It is 1665 and Hannah is excited about her first trip to London to help her sister in her shop "The Sugared Plum". Hannah does not however get the reception she expected from her sister. Instead of giving Hannah a hearty welcome, she is horrified that Hannah did not get her message to stay away - the plague has arrived.

I came across this book after a patron had returned it when I was on desk and what a great discovery! I'd already read 'Year of Wonders' by Geraldine Brooks and loved that so when I saw this I grabbed it. I have read teen fiction by Hooper before and liked her. It is simply written and easy to understand, is by no means a long book, (169pgs), but I started reading it and didn't stop until I'd finished.

The characters are beautifully written and believable, (something I also enjoyed with the Megan series by Hooper). This isn't an academic tale of the plague but I enjoyed it anyway, there is a few pages at the end for history buffs and I particulary like the recipes for some of the sweetmeats they make in the book. Hooper often writes sequels, so it would be great if there was one written for this book, I'd really like to see where the characters are now and if they would have returned to London.

I'll give it 3 & 1/2 stars.


Monday, 3 December 2007

Che Guevarize yourself !

Che Guevarize yourself !

I Che'd myself, but I couldn't get it to load onto my blog for some reason, so I just added a link so y'all can play with it if you want.



I'm on fire, on fire I say!! I've decided I like Technorati the best of all the new thingys so far today. What a brilliant way to keep up with all the blogs I like to visit. I added my fave blogs, went out and did something else went back in and to my delight there were my blogs and their newest entries...oh joy...what a loverly wwworld we live in :)


I'm all over the place today, trying to finish Learning 2.0. I've just joined and I love the fact that you can be browsing a site, decide you like it, click on 'tag', write a description and add some tags and viola it's added! Noice!

I think this would be a great tool to have access to, my biggest with this is the setup, joinging is easy, but having to create all the bookmarks and tags would be time consuming. I pilfered from other peeps bookmarky thingys. I would also be interested to know how often I would use this for my uni course or wether I would use something like Rollyo more. I'm off to explore Technorati - so expect more posts today!

I'm also rather annoyed with myself - I set up a Library Thing account in October and now I can't remember what my blooming user name or password is - baahumbug!! And here I was thinking that I'd added all of the user name/passwords to all the thingys that I've joined since starting Learning 2.0

Grrrrrrrr...jane fonda breath...jane fonda breath...jane fonda breath...ahhhh....better...


It's been a long time five dolla!

Wow oh! I havn't been on my blog in such a long time. It's been flat out at work at the moment and the silly season is upon us!! We've been organising a Book Group at the library, launching it early next year, it's been fun for all! It's amazing just how popular library book groups have become.

The group has used our Learning 2.0 experience to create a Wiki so we can all keep in contact even when we are at our separate branches, such a great idea since we can only get together once a fortnight otherwise - brilliant methinks!!!

Well I've just become a newly minted user of Rollyo and I must say - I do like it! What a great idea to be able to search a subject and come up with like minded websites, good if you're in a hurry or if you're not a confident searcher. I've added a couple of thingys to my searchroll, but I need to add some more!


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